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beneficios de Ser nuestro associated

 Regional (in Spanish):

* Entrada gratuita a todos los eventos abiertos de Brasil, Chile, Colombia, México y Perú.

* Newsletter mensual en Español.

* Participación en un grupo de Whatsapp para asociados HSMAI Latam con contenido, estudios y noticias exclusivas.

World (in English):

* Descuentos exclusivos en los cursos de HSMAI Academy y Certificaciones Internacionales en Revenue Management & Digital Marketing.

* Newsletter semanal con  el contenido más actualizado del mundo de las Ventas, Marketing y Revenue Management.

* Acceso exclusivo a los extensos recursos del ‘Knowledge Center’ del site internacional (www.hsmai.org) en 3 áreas: Inspire Marketing, Fuel Sales y Optimize Revenue.

* Oportunidad de entablar relaciones con profesionales nacionales e internacionales.

* Descuentos exclusivos para miembros en todos los eventos internacionales, publicaciones y guías de estudio en inglés de la asociación.

choose your country and join now!

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Professionals from the areas of Sales, Marketing, Revenue Management or Operations, who work in Hotel Chains, Independent Hotels, Resorts, Hostels and other hospitality sectors.

COP$ 62,000

Group of 2 or more

Price per person, with subscriptions at the same time.

COP$ 55,000

Provider / Intermediary / customer


Supplier of the hotel industry such as OTAs, Technology Companies, Agencies and Operators, Airlines, Consulting, etc.

COP$ 80,000

Groups of 3 or more.

From 3 associates of the same company.

COP$ 65,000

Travel agent and airlines u
event operator.

Professional who deals with travel and corporate events in companies. They are the customers/buyers of the travel industry.

COP$ 30,000

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Professionals from the areas of Sales, Marketing, Revenue Management or Operations, who work in Hotel Chains, Independent Hotels, Resorts, Hostels and other hospitality sectors.

$300/year | Join

Individual Partners

Members of Hotel Associations of Mexico have a 20% discount.

$250 year | Join

 2 or more associates from the same company

Price per person, with subscriptions at the same time.

$275/year | Join

 2 or more partner partners from the same company

Members of Hotel Associations of Mexico have a 20% discount.

$225/year | Join

Provider / Intermediary / customer

Individual (Provider and Intermediary)

Supplier of the hotel industry such as OTAs, Technology Companies, Agencies and Operators, Cias. Airlines, Consulting, etc.

$350/year | Join

Multiple/Group or Partners (Supplier and Intermediary)

From 2 associates of the same company.

$300/year | Join

Travel and Events Manager (Client / Buyer)

Professional who deals with travel and corporate events in companies. They are the customers/buyers of the travel industry.

$200/year | Join

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Professionals from the areas of Sales, Marketing, Revenue Management or Operations, who work in Hotel Chains, Independent Hotels, Resorts, Hostels and other hospitality sectors.

$200/year | Join

Individual Partners

Members of AHC (Hoteleros Chile and Fedetur)

USD 150/year | Join

Provider / Intermediary / customer

Individual (Provider and Intermediary)

Supplier of the hotel industry such as OTAs, Technology Companies, Agencies and Operators, Cias. Airlines, Consulting, etc.

$300/year | Join

Travel and Events Manager (Client / Buyer)

Professional who deals with travel and corporate events in companies. They are the customers/buyers of the travel industry.

$300/year | Join

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Professionals from the areas of Sales, Marketing, Revenue Management or Operations, who work in Hotel Chains, Independent Hotels, Resorts, Hostels and other hospitality sectors.

S/ 75/month | Join

 2 or more associates from the same company

Price per person, with subscriptions at the same time.

S/ 65/month | Join

Provider / Intermediary / customer

Individual (Provider and Intermediary)

Supplier of the hotel industry such as OTAs, Technology Companies, Agencies and Operators, Cias. Airlines, Consulting, etc.

S/ 95/mes | Join

Travel and Events Manager (Client / Buyer)

Professional who deals with travel and corporate events in companies. They are the customers/buyers of the travel industry.

S/ 80/mes | Join

Rules for HSMAI members:


  • The association is individual and with a minimum validity of 12 months, from the date of accession.
  • HSMAI is an entity of professionals and executives (individuals, not legal entities).  Those who associate are professionals, not companies.
  • If the association is paid for by the company and the professional leaves his position, the company may request the replacement of another member of its team.
  • Realice el pago a plazos con tarjeta de crédito (en los links arriba) o mediante wire transfer (hablar con nuestro equipo en los contactos abajo)
  • Después del pago, envíe el comprobante de pago a [email protected] con los datos: Nombre / Empresa / Dirección completa con código postal / Cargo / Email / Móvil / para registrate el sistema internacional de HSMAI.
  • Pronto recibirá el login y  contraseña y lo disfrutarás de todos los beneficios de HSMAI.

Información general de pago y membresía: [email protected] con Ana Kelly o Whatsapp: 55 (11) 96487-4359

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